here is a new design of the landscaping developed for my theatre design. The landscaping relates further to me theatre and the propos ive ed plan for the HSW are
Here is my refined escalator design which requires only a little more modification and i think im happy with it. The design for the roof follows the same curve as the theatre skin and is higher off the ground to heighten and make the entrance grand rather than quite minimal.
My desired outcome was a grand entrance which then links up with the sheer scale of the projection void and interior theatre
Heres a third variation to the exterior skin comment. This option is slightly different to the other in appearance but creates a cool effect for the theatre.
The second comment i received was in relation to my exterior skin and its colour/ transparency. I have begun to develop a few more renders with different skin colours to answer this and provide a clearer appearance within my theatre from the exterior and vice versa. Here is the first skin series of renders.
In response to Brett's Feedback i have begun addressing and amending these in my final design. The first issue i looked at was landscaping. I found he proposed master plan for the HSW area which only appear to service the eastern end however i have designed my own landscaping that would suit this proposed plan. The proposed scheme is as follow. My images will be posted straight after.